5 Tips To Communicate More Effectively With Your Seasonal Workforce
Spring has sprung. For many of us, this means it’s the perfect time to get started on a bit of light gardening. The perfect time to go outside and enjoy the weather (while taking all the necessary precautions against COVID-19, obviously). For businesses in the greenhouse industry, spring means something else entirely. We’re right on […]
Coping with COVID – The Challenges (And Importance) of Staying Connected During the Pandemic
This is not how I envisioned the distributed work revolution taking hold…It’s not ideal on any level. Even at a remote-friendly company like Automattic, we rely on in-person team meetups and conferences to strengthen our connections and get work done. WordPress Founder Matt Mullenweg We all knew remote work was the future. Spurred as much […]
Usability Is No Longer An Optional Feature in Your Business Tools
It’s something that should really go without saying: if a tool isn’t usable, then people won’t use it. Yet time and again, we hear stories of cumbersome, frustrating, or downright confusing business software. Time and again, we see usability take a backseat to cybersecurity, when it’s not ignored altogether. This is a problem for a […]
The Crucial Need for Modern Communication Tools in Fire and Rescue
A high-rise apartment in the downtown core is burning. Although some residents have made it out, others are still trapped inside. Time is now of the essence — the more efficiently firefighters are able to mobilize, the greater the chances that everyone can be pulled to safety. You know this. You also know that effective […]
Why Choosing Between Unio and Microsoft Teams Isn’t an Either-Or Decision
For many businesses, Microsoft Teams has been instrumental in making it through the pandemic. There’s a reason that its usage positively surged over the course of 2020, and a reason it’s still holding strong even today. Given how popular Microsoft’s collaboration platform has become, you might be asking yourself why you should switch to Unio. […]
Fight Fire With Words: How Better Communication Leads to a More Effective Emergency Response
Most fire chiefs are at least aware of the need for better, more modern communication tools. The legacy channels typically utilized by fire departments tend to be highly inefficient, requiring a significant investiture of time and effort for even brief updates. They are often impersonal, widening the gulf between leadership and volunteers. There’s also the […]
Why It’s Past Time Fire Departments Ditch the Bulletin Board — Here’s How They Can
The bulletin board has long been a fixture in fire & rescue. Predating even email, this static piece of cork is responsible for providing firefighters with an array of information, from updates to general advice to community events. Unfortunately, it’s also notoriously unreliable as a communication medium. We live in an era where you can […]
Community, Communication, and Collaboration: The 3 C’s of Fire and Rescue
There is a fire at an industrial facility. While onsite personnel muster and make their way to safety, nearby communities must be swiftly evacuated. The fire department, meanwhile, must mobilize its volunteers immediately, providing them with minute-by-minute updates of the situation as they respond. Thousands of volunteers. Multiple community groups. Industrial facilities and power plants. […]
Engaging With the New Generation of First Responders
We live in an era of digitization. Connecting with someone halfway around the world is as simple as opening an app. Remote work has overtaken multiple industries, and ease of use is now every bit as important as security. There is now an entire generation that has never experienced life without smartphones and the Internet. […]
Is Poor Communication Killing Your Business’s Culture? Here’s How to Tell
In addition to forcing the entire world into distributed work before many of us were ready, the coronavirus pandemic taught us an unexpected lesson. As everyone struggled with the challenges of working from home, it became increasingly clear that many businesses simply had no idea how to communicate — not digitally, at least. This was […]